Saturday, December 6, 2008

one (last) sang.

i laughed at first when i heard that this was your ring tone, a weird japanese song.
but i began to love the song once i understand whats the lyric is trying to say, and that's when i read the subtitle..

so, bloggers if this song suits you too, enjoy..
(maybe you should off my music playlist on the left hand side so that you can focus on the song)

and im quite sure that i actually miss you too...... farewell, sayang!
enjoy your current life, cos im blessed with mine :)

xx - ollie.


Christine said...

Sapa ini sing nyanyi, Pin?? Keren keren..

ollfine sie said...

mboh sopo sing nyanyi lanang b wedok... must ask my pal who sent it to me.. keren ta? ky wong cerita gtu ce.. cm saking ae dulu cocok b current situation makae keroso apik.. hahaha