Wednesday, November 5, 2008


few days ago i found this pic in my laptop. this pic was taken late at night i remember, right after the 'tragedy'.
this is a picture of mr.D praying for mr.G; everyone can see that they are praying seriously on this picture... but thats not what i want to talk about today.
well, i suddenly want to write about the power of a prayer.
how many times have you had unanswered prayers? how many times have you feel that your prayers are wasted? have you ever think that you don't need to pray anymore?
well.. everyone will experience moments when they face uncertainties. answer that doesn't comes "on time", trouble that seems "unsolved"; and this will end up in laziness to pray again.
im pretty sure that everyone has ever heard of the 3 types of answer towards prayers; those are "yes, no, and not now" and so im not going to talk about them.
but well, i want to talk about unanswered prayers from the different perspective.
when you feel troubled because your prayer is unanswered, dont you ever realize that its because all inside your pray are all asks? ask for forgiveness, mercy, wealth, health, and problem solving. well, i agree to the statement that heaven where Father stays, have everything that we need, and we can ask for them. but its NOT given away freely. when you go to a one-stop shop, where you can find nearly everything inside.. do u need to go the cashier once u done with selecting requirements? even when maybe u might also buy a cashier machine.. but u still need to go the cashier and make payment.
same thing applies when you pray. when you pray.. DO YOU REMEMBER TO GIVE THANKS? for all the graces that you've felt, for all the loves that you've experiences, for everything??
or do u only complains? complaints, and being so naggy. imagine that yourself is God, and your creature do this to you. You've created them, and they have became the apples of your eyes. but they treat you this way.. no thanks just complains.
well, together let's start to count our blessings if we think that there's nothing for us to give thanks. well at least... if have nothing in mind to thanks about, when times get dark.. at least if we can breathe fresh air, if we can eat and our body parts are still complete.. they can be the reasons behind our thanks. accept every moments with gratitude, minimize complains, and you'll see more "yes" answer to your prayers. believe me, cos i've done it. Jesus is great to everyone, but He holds the justice and so of course He'll bless you even more if you love Him greater too.
have a blessed day.. a good day starts with a word of thanks and a small smile.. believe me.

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