Thursday, September 18, 2008


i love being on the stage, i love being in the crowd, i love talking in front of a lot of people, i love walking in front and leads the group, i am me; with a high self confidence.. at least that's what i normally think and that's what people think as well.
it's very easy to gain self confidence when you're facing someone/people who are (or at least you think) "less" than you. You'll feel more weighted and feel better therefore you can be so confidence. one of my "wrong'' key to my self confidence is simple, is to take your conversation partner or whoever you need to face and think of them as they are more stupid than you. no matter how clever they are. this way, you're mouth will still speak out its words and your feet will not shake.
but facing somebody who you exactly know is more clever, more experienced, or whatever "more" than you, you'll feel very small. the more you feel amazed with your speaking partner, the more you don't dare to speak cos you're afraid that you'll sound silly.
i saw this good quote that i uploaded as the head of my post, one of its lines says that every person has something that no one else has. sounds great and powerful, rite?
even the one person whom you think is the stupidest person alive on earth has something that you don't have, and that person whom you woo a lot, whom you admire a lot, whom you think is the best and the most perfect creature on earth doesn't have what you have..
everyone is unique, and is equipped with something that only he/she has, and everyone is special.
therefore its not right to be small hearted as well as is not right to think that you're better compared to someone else. everyone is equivalent, and everyone is special.
treat everyone the same, and don't close your heart while your eyes are widely opened.
treasure everyone, cherish all the moments that you have with them; then you'll then find out how special are they actually are. :)

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